Ryan Ross

Ryan Ross

Colorado PI pleads not guilty to drug charges

Laura Tellers, the Colorado private investigator, charged last November with two counts of intent to distribute drugs and knowingly introducing contraband to Weld County Jail, has plead not guilty to the charges.

At an appearance ...

PI locates missing mother in Denver jail

After nearly three months, a missing mother who was being pursued by a national network of private investigators, turned up in a Denver jail.

Mother of four Azia Diane Saldana, 33, from Torrington, Wyoming, had not been ...

Legal stoush over PI’s phone after drug arrest

The examination of a phone belonging to a Colorado private investigator, who is facing four drug felonies, has become a legal flashpoint, following the PI’s recent arrest in Greeley.

Laura Tellers, 52, was arrested on November 17 ...